Hey, it's Jonathan Coates, and I'm thrilled to share some invaluable insights on boosting your email open rates in this free email marketing training. 

Whether you're using AWeber or the versatile Systeme.io, these techniques apply. 

Let's start with crafting compelling subject lines – keep them short, under 50 characters, and use tools like Online Character Count for precision.

Personalization is a game-changer. 

Customizing subject lines with your subscriber's name shows genuine care. 

Dive into AI tools like Bard for intriguing subject lines generated from your email content.

In this training, I delve into segmenting your email list, sending targeted content, and using reliable email service providers like AWeber. 

A/B testing, experimenting with send times, and keeping your content fresh are vital for sustained engagement. 

Find tools and resources in the description, along with my detailed email marketing playlist for deeper insights.


Limitless Traffic Formula 

Email Marketing Playlist 

How to Create a Workflow (Automation) within Aweber & Systeme.io 

Limitless Traffic Formula  


System.io  https://systeme.io/

Online Character Count  




Keap (Formerly known as Infusion Soft) 



Donate via Cash App - $joncoates89

If you're like me then you're thinking, how can I get as much traffic to my product as possible without having to spend any money or bug family and friends. 

& thats the exact reason I created the Limitless Traffic Formula! With this free download you get:

Instant Access to a 43 Page Ebook (With Free Resale Rights)
Learn How to Get Hundreds of Buyer Leads to Your Offer
Learn How to Bring in High Quality Targeted Leads to Your Product Consistently

If that sounds like something you're interested in then I highly recommend this Ebook as it can save you aton of money, this is my number one suggestion for free traffic strategies.  

I will be updating it again soon, so be sure to save the google drive version so when I make revision it will update automatically for you. (*Pro Tip)

Additional Resources:

Jonathan Coates
Jonathan Coates

I hope you enjoyed this post. I share new weekly articles and training here on the blog that is specifically designed to help you grow your business, convert more sales, and generate more leads so that you can live the lifestyle you love with a thriving business. Please share any content ideas that you would like me to create for you!