How to Create a Contact Form for Your Website in 10 Minutes using Optimize Press


Creating a contact form for your website is crucial for engaging with your audience and gathering valuable information. Optimize Press makes this process quick and straightforward, allowing you to set up a functional form in just 10 minutes. 

Whether you're a seasoned user or new to Optimize Press, these steps will guide you through the setup effortlessly.

Getting Started with Optimize Press

To begin, log in to your Optimize Press dashboard and navigate to the page where you want to add the contact form. 

Click on the plus icon on the left-hand side or search for 'contact' to find the form element. Once located, drag and drop it onto your page.

Customizing Your Contact Form

Once the form is added, customize it to fit your needs. Optimize Press offers various presets for design, accessible through the wand icon. 

For advanced customization, click on 'Advanced' to modify form fields, arrangement, and styling according to your preferences.

Integrating Form Elements

To enhance functionality, Optimize Press allows you to add elements like checkboxes, radio buttons, and text fields. Simply click on the integration options and select 'Edit Integrations' to configure how your form interacts with your email service provider or other tools.

Design and Styling

Optimize Press enables extensive customization of your form's appearance. You can adjust background colors, fonts, field sizes, and alignment to ensure it aligns with your website's aesthetics. 

This flexibility ensures your form not only functions well but also looks professional.

Finalizing and Testing

Before publishing, ensure all form fields are correctly set up. 

Test the form by filling it out and checking the submission process, including any post-action like redirects or pop-up overlays. 

Optimize Press makes it easy to preview and adjust until you're satisfied.


In conclusion, creating a contact form with Optimize Press is a streamlined process that empowers website owners to engage effectively with their audience. 

Whether you're using it for lead generation, customer feedback, or inquiries, Optimize Press provides the tools to build and customize forms efficiently. 

Start enhancing your website's functionality today with Optimize Press and see how simple it is to create a contact form that meets your specific needs.

This article has provided a step-by-step guide to creating a contact form using Optimize Press, ensuring it's optimized for SEO and user engagement.

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Jonathan Coates
Jonathan Coates

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