In today's free training, I will be sharing with you a suite of artificial intelligence tools that can be used for different functions such as text-to-speech and SEO.

I show you a curated list of AI tools on Glide. Page, which is a free resource for businesses, and I also explain how the new Bing, which has integrated the GPT-4 model, can be used to get long-tail keywords for SEO purposes.

The conversational model of ChatGPT can be used for various purposes and its pretty interesting how its being implemented already in the search engine for Bing.

The integration provides answers to sophisticated questions on the right-hand side of the search results page, saving time and effort compared to other keyword research tools such as Uber Suggest and Google Keyword Planner.

The main highlight is in the power and versatility of each AI tool because they can be used for a variety of different purposes.

With the integration of the GPT-4 model, the new Bing provides advanced features such as a conversational model, natural dialogue, and access to current information.

There's alot of advantages of using AI tools like the new Bing over traditional keyword research tools such as ubersuggest and Google Keyword Planner.

You can use AI in Chat GPT to get long-tail keywords by using the prompt "I need 50 long tail keywords for how to lose weight in two weeks," and the AI model provides a list of 50 keywords in a matter of seconds.

This type of functionality can save hours of manual research and provide more accurate results.

Overall, this training session provides valuable insights into the versatility and power of AI tools and how they can be used to streamline various business processes.

In conclusion, the power of artificial intelligence has only just begun to be harnessed and integrated into our daily lives.

AI is already having a significant impact on the way we live, work, and communicate, and the potential for its future applications is limitless.

As technology continues to advance, it will be important for individuals and organizations alike to stay informed about the latest developments and consider the ethical implications of AI's widespread use. 


Curated List of AI Tools 

Google's Bard AI Blog Post 

Bard AI Website

Bard CEO Linked In 

'The New Bing'

Microsoft Edge

Open AI Playground 

Chat GPT

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I will be updating it again soon, so be sure to save the google drive version so when I make revision it will update automatically for you. (*Pro Tip)

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Jonathan Coates
Jonathan Coates

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