Hey whatsup everyone, Jonathan Coates, and this free training, I'm going to be showing you how to create ai generated webinar funnels

using ai avatars programs like Elai.io and i'll be using Systeme.io and Optimize press to demonstrate how to create the Webinart Funnel using Free and Paid options.

But, either way you go - free, paid, ai generated or you do it yourself - The process starts with a landing page similar to the one we created.

However, instead of someone filling out a form, they pick a date and time to register for the webinar.

Once they do that, they land on a page with a headline, bullet points or video, and pick the webinar they want to attend.

What's unique about this process is that instead of calling someone on the phone to sell them on your product or service,

you can use an automated webinar to pre-sell that person for up to an hour or more.

During that time, you can indoctrinate them, teach them about your product or service, and present them with an opportunity to buy.

Many people will make a purchase just from watching the live webinar alone.

Those who don't purchase can be called upon later, but the closing ratio is second to none.

Once they opt-in and watch the automated webinar, we can filter all of our leads and customers based on a few criteria.

For instance, we can see who has watched the webinar and who hasn't, who has purchased and who hasn't, who has watched the webinar multiple times, and so on.

This helps us create a highly targeted list of leads and customers who are more likely to buy.


Optimize Press  





How to create a Sales Funnel with System.io  

How to create a Sales Funnel with Optimize Press  

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If you're like me then you're thinking, how can I get as much traffic to my product as possible without having to spend any money or bug family and friends. 

& thats the exact reason I created the Limitless Traffic Formula! With this free download you get:

Instant Access to a 43 Page Ebook (With Free Resale Rights)
Learn How to Get Hundreds of Buyer Leads to Your Offer
Learn How to Bring in High Quality Targeted Leads to Your Product Consistently

If that sounds like something you're interested in then I highly recommend this Ebook as it can save you aton of money, this is my number one suggestion for free traffic strategies.  

I will be updating it again soon, so be sure to save the google drive version so when I make revision it will update automatically for you. (*Pro Tip)

Additional Resources:

Jonathan Coates
Jonathan Coates

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