How to Create a Sales Funnel - Connecting Paypal w/ Checkout Page - Optimizepress Tutorial (Part 4a)

Hey everyone, Jonathan Coatrs here, and today I'm diving back into our series on creating a seamless sales funnel with Optimizepress. 

In the previous video, we covered integrating our email marketing platform with the opt-in form on our landing page. 

Now, let's move forward and talk about integrating PayPal with our checkout page.

Integrating PayPal with Optimizepress Checkout Page

To get started, ensure you have Optimizepress installed and activated on your website. Navigate to the Optimizepress dashboard and click on "Checkouts" under settings. 

Here, you'll find options to integrate your preferred payment gateway.

1. Accessing Payment Gateway Settings

Click on "Integrate with Payment Gateway" and select PayPal from the options provided. For this tutorial, we're focusing on setting up PayPal in sandbox mode. 

This allows us to test transactions without using real money.

2. Setting Up PayPal Sandbox

To connect PayPal, you'll need a PayPal Developer account. Visit, log in, and navigate to "My Apps & Credentials." 

Create a new app to obtain your Client ID and Secret ID. Copy these credentials as you'll need them to link PayPal with Optimizepress.

3. Adding API Credentials

Back in the Optimizepress dashboard, paste your PayPal Client ID and Secret ID into the respective fields. 

Save your settings to integrate PayPal with your checkout page seamlessly.

4. Setting Up Webhooks

Webhooks are essential for real-time updates on transaction statuses. 

Copy the sandbox webhook URL from your PayPal Developer account into the Optimizepress webhook settings. 

Ensure all events are selected to receive comprehensive transaction notifications.


That wraps up the setup process for integrating PayPal with your Optimizepress checkout page. 

In the next video, I'll guide you through creating a sample product and testing the payment process to ensure everything functions smoothly.

For more tutorials on building effective sales funnels using Optimizepress, check out the complete playlist on my YouTube channel or visit my website at

Stay tuned for Part 4B where we'll complete our setup and finalize our sales funnel. If you found this helpful, don't forget to like and subscribe for more content like this.

See you in the next video!

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Jonathan Coates
Jonathan Coates

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