How I Grew My Facebook Group to 65,617 Members & Counting in 2 Years Passively without Automation

Introduction to Growing My Facebook Group

Hey everyone, Jonathan Clopes here. 

Today, I’m excited to share with you how I successfully grew my Facebook group to over 65,617 members in just two years, all without using automation tools. 

This group continues to grow passively, adding hundreds, sometimes thousands of new members every week.

Strategy Behind Group Growth

The group I'm referring to is called "Promote Your Business in This Group." 

Alongside this, I also manage another group called "Advertiser Opportunity." Once your group gains traction, it's crucial to manage incoming posts diligently. I recommend setting posts to pending approval to filter out spam and ensure quality content.

After approving posts, I often cross-promote my groups by sharing relevant content, although I disable comments to prevent spamming. 

This strategy has been pivotal in maintaining engagement while leveraging multiple groups to drive traffic.

Key Steps to Creating Your Own Group

Creating a successful Facebook group starts with identifying common search phrases in your niche. 

For instance, in a relationship advice niche, phrases like "how to save my marriage" are popular. Utilize these phrases to search for and join related groups, compiling a list for reference.

When creating your group, craft a title under 75 characters using tools like Character Count Online to include these key phrases. 

This optimizes your group's visibility in Facebook searches. 

Keep your group description concise yet keyword-rich, as Facebook truncates lengthy descriptions on both mobile and desktop.

Enhancing Group Appeal

A visually appealing banner relevant to your group's theme is essential. For "Promote Your Business in This Group," 

I use a banner saying "Your Ad Here" to clearly communicate the group's purpose. 

Similarly, tailor your banner to reflect the focus of your group, such as relationships or business opportunities.

Leveraging Other Groups for Growth

To kickstart growth, leverage active groups in your niche. Focus on groups with high daily or weekly member growth rather than just size. 

Engage authentically by providing value and subtly introducing your group. Avoid spamming; instead, blend in with the community to foster genuine interest.

Sustaining Engagement and Activity

Active engagement within your group signals quality to Facebook's algorithm, boosting visibility. Engage with member posts, ask questions to encourage discussion, and welcome new members regularly. 

This fosters a vibrant community, improving your group's chances of ranking higher in Facebook search results.


In conclusion, growing a Facebook group to thousands of members requires strategic planning, consistent effort, and a focus on community engagement. 

By following these steps—from optimizing your group's visibility to fostering active participation—you can replicate my success in growing a thriving Facebook community. 


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Jonathan Coates
Jonathan Coates

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