How to Create 4G Mobile Proxies for Automation

In today's digital landscape, automating online activities can be hindered by IP restrictions and bans. Creating 4G mobile proxies using Raspberry Pi, 4G dongles, SIM cards, and phones offers a solution to overcome these challenges effectively.

Why Use 4G Mobile Proxies?

Using automation tools for scraping data or managing multiple social media accounts from a single IP address can lead to bans or flags. 

To circumvent this, employing mobile proxies allows you to distribute actions across different IP addresses, ensuring each account operates independently and safely.

Setting Up Your 4G Mobile Proxy

To get started, gather the necessary hardware: a Raspberry Pi (any model), a compatible 4G dongle, SIM cards with data plans, and an Ethernet connection for stable internet access.

Steps to Configure Your Raspberry Pi

Begin by setting up your Raspberry Pi with the Raspbian OS. Connect your 4G dongle and configure it to establish a cellular connection. 

This setup ensures your proxy will operate on a dynamic 4G network, ideal for stability and reliability.

Installing and Configuring Proxy Software

Install proxy management software compatible with Raspberry Pi, ensuring it supports 4G connections. 

Configure the software to manage your proxies effectively, allowing you to rotate IPs as needed for each automated task.

Benefits of DIY 4G Mobile Proxies

Creating your own 4G proxies offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness compared to renting services. 

You control the setup and maintenance, ensuring proxies are tailored to your specific needs without recurring expenses.


In conclusion, mastering the creation of 4G mobile proxies empowers you to scale automation efforts while maintaining security and compliance with platform regulations. 

By leveraging Raspberry Pi and 4G technology, you create a robust proxy infrastructure that supports your digital activities seamlessly.

By following these steps, you can establish a reliable 4G mobile proxy setup, enhancing your automation capabilities while safeguarding your online presence from potential restrictions.

 Embrace the power of DIY proxies to unlock new possibilities in digital automation and management.

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Jonathan Coates
Jonathan Coates

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