How to Create & Warm up New Instagram Accounts for Safe Automation w/ Su Social

The Essentials of Warming Up Instagram Accounts

Hey everyone, it's Jonathan Coates here! 

Today, I'm diving into the critical process of creating and warming up Instagram accounts before connecting them to automation tools like Su Social. 

If you’re into automating your social media, this step-by-step guide is a must to avoid getting your accounts flagged or banned.

Creating Your Instagram Account

The first thing you need to do is create your Instagram account. When setting up, make sure to use a verified phone number and consider using a proxy if you don't want your IP address tied to the account. 

For those looking for an alias, I recommend using a website like Fake Name Generator to get a random name. 

You can also grab a realistic profile picture from This Person Does Not Exist. Be sure to screenshot the image instead of downloading it directly to avoid discrepancies.


Warming Up Your Account

Once your account is set up, start by following 10 to 15 verified users. This makes your account appear more genuine. 

Then, move on to creating a bio using a highly converting template that includes emojis and a call to action. 

After setting up your bio, it's crucial to block negative comments using Instagram's manual comment filter. This will keep your profile looking clean and professional.

To further humanize your account, spend some time watching Instagram Stories from the verified users you’ve followed. 

This simulates real user behavior and helps avoid detection by Instagram's algorithms. 

After that, like and comment on a few posts from verified accounts. Finally, upload eight more images in five-minute intervals to fill your profile.

Once you've completed these steps, your account is ready to be connected to Su Social. 

Just make sure not to verify or enable any tools until you've thoroughly warmed up the account.

For a detailed guide, check out the resources I've provided below, and don't forget to grab my Ultimate Social Media Automation Checklist!

Drowning in social media and marketing tasks? Feeling the pressure to constantly be "on," but struggling to keep up with engagement?

 Look no further than "The Ultimate Social Media & Marketing Automation Checklist: Free Up Your Time & Boost Engagement!"

This comprehensive guide empowers you to reclaim your time and skyrocket engagement with a powerful three-pronged approach

Become a Scheduling Superhero: Say goodbye to the stress of last-minute social media posts and scrambling to meet deadlines. Our checklist equips you with a proven system for strategically planning and scheduling your content across all your social media platforms. Imagine pre-planning captivating posts for weeks in advance, ensuring a consistent and engaging online presence. This not only saves you precious time but also allows you to capitalize on peak posting hours for maximum reach.
Automate the Mundane, Unleash Your Creativity: Stop wasting valuable energy on repetitive tasks! Our checklist outlines powerful automation tools that can handle everything from responding to comments and messages to managing social media contests. This frees you up to focus on the big picture - developing creative social media campaigns and engaging with your audience on a deeper level. Imagine the possibilities when you're not bogged down by the day-to-day grind!
Metrics Made Easy: Analyze, Adapt, & Amplify: The true magic lies in understanding what resonates with your audience. Our checklist provides a roadmap for leveraging powerful analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of your social media campaigns. Gain valuable insights into post performance, audience demographics, and engagement metrics. Use this data to refine your strategy, tailor your content, and amplify the elements that drive the most engagement. This data-driven approach ensures you're constantly optimizing your campaigns for the best possible results.

"The Ultimate Social Media & Marketing Automation Checklist" is your key to unlocking a world of free time, effortless scheduling, and skyrocketing engagement. Let AI do the heavy lifting while you unleash your creativity and build a thriving online community.

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Additional Resources:

Jonathan Coates
Jonathan Coates

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